Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Those of us who have read the Harry Potter series are familiar with the word "splinched."  Those who haven't probably have a sense of what it's about; it sounds the meaning.  Briefly, it is this: Wizards and witches are capable of moving from one place to another by focusing on the place they're going, really want to go there, and soon they're there.  

At first, Harry and his friends at Hogwarts don't execute perfectly.  They arrive at the new place, but leave behind a piece of themselves.  Legs and arms of the neophytes remain, while those with more experience arrive missing a finger or two.

I realize that splinched is a normal condition for me -- you, too?  "Moving on" to a new life is not the same as "escaping."  Who I once (thought) I was still is in me, and so wherever I am today, I am not fully here.

Maybe I don't really want to be here badly enough.  Or maybe I haven't yet seen anyone who isn't splinched -- this seems a "normal" condition.

Time to move on.
