Tuesday, February 26, 2008

six word memoir

Perhaps you've seen them.  Six word memoirs, written by the famous and not.  I've reviewed some, and the majority could be classified as "bittersweet."  Not quite "life sucks," and not "oh, what a joy!"

Last night I thought about this, instead of sleeping. Rich is on a downward slope this week (it's snowing as I write, so please forgive the ski imagery) and this wakes me up. Maybe it's a cold he can't shake that's draining him, or maybe the new pain in his calf is the sign we haven't been waiting for.

The memoir title that emerged:  "Eat. Sleep. Wake Up.  Not Now."

Another trip to NYC in two days.  Rich says he hopes he can walk.  The world is shrinking.

Another memoir title:  "I Lied.  Chordoma: Not a Dance."


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