Friday, April 25, 2008


Thunder is now sleeping.  He's a cat, and he does this well.  His other skills include purring, eating, purring, eating, and looking out the window and wanting to kill, for the fun of it. There's a lot of human in him, except his fur is prettier.  And once we have some confidence that he knows his home base, he can go out and start munching the neighborhood mice and maybe put a scare into our neighbor's yappy dog (Thunder's a big guy).

I don't always have kind thoughts.  This is why animals are superior, in some ways:  They don't pretend.

Thunder joined us  two weeks ago, a 4-year-old stray from the local shelter.  He chose us, and his name happened, but a relevant reference comes from a Peter, Paul and Mary song, Day is Done. it the thunder in the distance you fear
will it help if I stay very near.
all will be well when the day is done.

Rich's arm is weakening.  Sutent is doing nasty things.  He is waiting for results from latest MRI.

We're not afraid of thunder.

I am afraid when the day is done.


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