Thursday, March 26, 2009

a new era

Rubbing my back, as he does every morning (you can be filled with envy, it's allowed), Rich says that this is the beginning of a new era.

Time tripping, we are.  Each surgery, radiation, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, countless pains coming and going -- we're zooming from trilobite to homo sapien sapien so fast...

Today, new chemotherapy: Tarceva.  Who creates these names?  Does this sound like a cancer poison?  More likely a new hybrid sedan, or face cream, or a chef's signature dish:  Chordoma sous Tarceva.

Not everything moves forward.  Yesterday a letter from insurance company, unwilling to pay $100,000-plus radiation bill because it is "experimental."  Isn't this all?  Anyway -- this was approved, we were told, by Sloan Kettering folks.  After expelling some bile, we wait and see.

But even if it's raining today, it is Spring, and the days are getting longer and warmer and we've survived -- lived! -- another winter.

How good is that?

1 comment:

Heather said...

That's good! Would that we could all say not only that we have survived but lived! another winter. To live, really live, no matter how long or brief a span of time, this is the point.
Thinking of you both, Heather