Monday, January 14, 2008

gone hunting

Once I had a friend who owned a high-end second home in a semi-rural area. When it came time for renovations, she contacted a local contractor of good reputation.

Too late.

"I made all the money I need this year," he said. "I'm going to my hunting cabin. Be back in the spring."

She was first astonished, then contemptuous.

"People here have no ambition," she concluded.

I concluded he was alive, and she was jealous.

About the missing months here: I had made all the blog-world words I could for the year, so went hunting for rest and revival.

I think it worked.

For those wondering where Rich, my beloved Chordomite, is: Still on Sutent with apparent benefit. The tumor shows some signs of dissolving, and no new clinical indications of growth. We continue to travel monthly to Sloan Kettering for check-in, Rich has added physical therapy to his daily regimen, and we look forward to another year of no growth.

Best to all --

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