Sunday, January 27, 2008

zen garden

I have been playing with the thought of creating a small Zen garden, either outdoors or in our home.  Such gardens are Buddhist in origin, and 1,000-plus-years-old.  As many reading this probably know, in appearance they're simple, with minimal ingredients:  Rocks, sand, a few green plants, perhaps a stone lantern or statue.

The point of such gardens is not "decorative," but about going to the contemplative heart of our existence, expressed in the creation of the garden, in its maintenance, and in its quiet "being with."

So I was surprised when scanning the Web to find that you can find instructions to build a Zen garden at the big box stores, or order desk top models to relieve "executive stress" (add a fisherman for only $3 more!)

First reaction:  "Abomination!"

Second reaction:  "Why not?"

Most of us, after all, are not Buddhist monks or professional gardeners, but we want a taste of the beyond and of beauty, so why not play with sand and rocks?  And invite a fisherman, too.

Happy gardening,


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