Sunday, January 20, 2008

pilgrim with no destination

Better to be a pilgrim without a destination than to cross the wrong threshold every day. -- Sy Safransky, editor, The Sun Magazine.

What Sy Safransky is describing is his decision to leave a job that was sucking at his life, and then borrow fifty dollars to start up a magazine that, quite possibly, no one would read.  But thirty years out, both he and the magazine are alive.

Some would say he was brave, others would say foolish.  But, really, he had no choice.  

Illness forces us to go out the door and hit the road.  It doesn't matter what is making us sick:  A tumor, a job, a relationship.  When we move on, where we end up matters far less than knowing we won't be returning to where we were.  In this, there is excitement, danger, and the hope that others will be reading our lives.

Best to all,


Gus said...

The best part about this sort of journey is rolling that 400-pound weight off your shoulders and leaving it behind.

Anonymous said...

We're reading, and our thoughts are with you both. ~Sending you much love.